Why Baker|Copeland?


At Baker|Copeland we believe a construction firm should be evaluated based on performance and proven competence, and clients should demand high standards from knowledgeable professionals. B|C promises positive results and efficacy by focusing on the Client’s Expectations.



Eliminate Risk

Baker|Copeland does more than manage risk, we work to eliminate it. The industry standard is to transfer risk into subcontracts and ultimately back to the owner. B|C identifies the risk, removes it and pushes project issues to resolution.

In-House Expertise

With engineering and self-performing trades in-house, B|C does not solely depend on subcontractors to be the experts during pre-construction or construction.

In-Depth Knowledge

Cost of construction is derived from a project’s scope and schedule. At B|C, we understand the process from programming to warranty, saving clients from inflated and unnecessary costs.

Builders First

We believe in understanding the means and methods of constructing a project, not just being a “Project Witness.”

Find out what Baker|Copeland can do for your next project

Our Location

3655 W Anthem Way
Suite A-109 #249
Anthem, AZ 85086